Saturday, August 27, 2011

Emergency Food / Supply Sources During A Panic


During an impending disaster or emergency, locating sources to acquire emergency supplies maybe difficult and chaotic or even dangerous DEPENDING on the SEVERITY of the threat . As items those deem valuable towards their survival dwindle off the store shelves, the desperation, aggressiveness and single-mindedness of those around you will increase dramatically.
This makes for a dangerous environment, especially if you get drawn in to a physical altercation. Under normal circumstances you can expect others to step in and stop the hostilities.  But, during times of impending danger, the normal person will attempt to get away from the area of the altercation or join in, potentially creating a deadly situation.  Fear has the ability to turn the most civil law-abiding citizen into a killer in short order.

Mob Violence is a result of anger and a sense that their actions will not be curbed by authority and is contagious to those who witness their acts. While most will experience fear during an emergency, some citizen's fear will turn to anger out of frustration and stress over the control of the situation. These individuals will destroy property, loot, rob and assault others to express or vent their angers. Steer clear of these groups if at all possible, do not attempt to stop or engage them singly.
During 'MOB PANIC', where a real or perceived threat excites one or more causing a contagious effect on those near-by, they will tend to follow these guidelines same as herd animals.

-Individuals attempt to move faster than normal.

-Interactions between individuals become physical.

-Exits become clogged.

-Escape is slowed by fallen individuals serving as obstacles.

-Individuals display a tendency towards mass or copied behavior.

-Alternative or less used exits are overlooked.

  During a panic, the dangers of a stampede and being crushed are real.  If you see a panic unfolding(usually a person or persons running while and/or screaming, moving away from the main body), a stampede is soon to happen. Remain calm, do not freeze in the path of the pack, move out of the way of exits or funneling points such as hallways. If possible duck into a doorway or behind an obstacle.

  If caught in a stampede of panicked people, move with the group and move slightly diagonal until you are able to get out of the way of the stampede or hug up against a wall or in a nook such as beside a vending machine in a recessed doorway or open bathroom entrance until the tide subsides. If outside, stay behind a parked vehicle, light pole or sign.

  If you get caught in a stampede and are knocked down, immediately curl up into the fetal position and cover your head with your hands, DO NOT...attempt to stand or lay flat, you WILL be crushed.  Next, rotate till your feet are facing the direction the stampede is coming from. This will help protect your spine and head. Either remain still if you are in a large open area or inch over to hug against a wall  THEN elongating your body. This is so you do not become a tripping obstacle potentially causing a pile up and others getting killed by the remaining stampeding panicked masses.

  When moving through dense crowds, wrap both your arms around any items you are carrying. If you drop something while in or near a moving pack, do not stop, or attempt to go against the direction of the pack.

  There are locations that can promote stampedes. To help mitigate your chances avoid the large common outlets that allow for high patron capacities. These are large groceries stores, and large outlet stores that have food. This is due to comfort, people are accustomed to going to these specific stores for their shopping needs.  So, during states of panic or urgency, they will go to these places due to familiarity.

Before a disaster strikes,  go to places less frequently used as people's primary source of food and supplies after a warning has been issued up till close to the time of calamity occurrence.  This becomes ever more the case the closer you get to the time of the calamity.  As the panic level increases and more and more run to the main food and shopping centers and supplies become less and less available, the more dangerous it will become.  The safest places, are generally the last to be bought out, stock up at places such as:

-Dollar Tree
-Dollar General
-Small Convenience Stores
-Small Mom&Pop Grocery Stores and Gas Stations(off of minor roads, avoid ones near Interstates, Highways or major roadways)

If you absolutely MUST go to one of the larger food and shopping stores DURING the HEIGHT of the panic, follow these steps to get-in and get-out with what you came for.

-Move slowly and decisively to your destination without appearing too aggressive. Shoving or cutting people off will provoke flying elbows and people closing gaps you could slip through.

-Keep your eyes on those around and ahead of you so you can anticipate their movements.

-Maintain a calm demeanor as you close in on the target item. Avoid signaling your urgency as this might alert the crowd to the desirability of your target. Avoid stepping on toes or panicking other shoppers which might cause a stampede.


-Grab the item. Tuck it under your arm like a football to prevent it from being knocked or torn loose from your grasp.

-Proceed to the nearest cash register or exit. Continue to move with the crowd until you are able to slip down an aisle or toward an exit unnoticed. During panics, try and use little used alternate exits versus the main exits such as the floral or outdoors area exit or even the loading dock areas meant for the workers.

After a Disaster strikes, and your food reserves have gotten low. Go to even less frequented places for food. As survival is the goal, calories is the key. Though electricity may be out, these locations will have canned and/or dried foods or even high caloric drinks:

-Fast Food Restaurants
-All Other Major Restaurants
-Gas Stations
-Home Depot / Lowe's (usually have drinks both water and high sugar near the cash registers)
-Evacuated / Destroyed Homes
-Vending/Soda Machines(usually at rest stops, laundry-mats, hotels and other like places)


After a disaster, when authority isn't able to maintain law & order, expect other survivors to be out and looting or, scavenging for food just as your are.  This is were many people's sense of morality will conflict with their situation. Taking what you do not need for survival is looting, while taking only what you need is scavenging.  Do not feel as though you are stealing from an individual, these stores are insured and will be compensated whether you take anything or not.  Keep a low profile, do not draw attention to your self. Do not advertise what you have, cover it with trash or a blanket.  Have a means to carry or transport what you gather.  Do not grab more then you can handle.  No point in surviving what ever calamity came your way just to injure your self attempting to transport too much.  Don't get greedy, only take what you and any others with you need for the next 72 hours at a time.

Stay clear of Mom & Pop privately owned stores, gas stations and restaurants after a disaster as these tend to be their livelihoods and very personal to the owners.  Because of such, you can expect the owners to be defending them with deadly force.